
Alumni Guestbook

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  • Hi
    I was excited to find this group, especially the post re Form 1 1966.
    I was in Form I having transferred from 1x as I had learnt French in primary school & didn't want to learn German! Classmates I remember to name a few:
    Janet Stockings, Sue Frankland, Sue Foyle, Sheena Gamble, Chris Pilbeam, Chris Austin, Lorraine Grey. I could go on & on!
    I think Miss Gordon was our form teacher, Miss Price our Speech teacher.
    Also had classes, needlework I think, at Albion Place & some lessons at St. Faiths as well.
    Had a great young English teacher ( Mrs. Shepherd?)who always changed the name "Smith, my maiden name, to Smyth Browne for me!
    Would love to have contact from any previous class mates!
    Sue Haynes (Smith)

    Susan Haynes

  • Dear Mrs Rivers,

    This may seem out of the blue, but I wanted to write an email to you, and everyone else at Invicta to say thank you. I do not know if you remember me, but I was a student at Invicta from 2010 to 2016. Since leaving Invicta, I have completed a gap year program, and in January this year I started studying a Bachelor of Education whilst teaching at a High School in South Africa. At the moment I am teaching Grade 8 and 9 classes (ages 13-15), but by the end of my degree, I will be a fully qualified English and History teacher for ages 11 to 18.

    I have only really seen since leaving school what a massive impact Invicta had on my life. Not only the lessons and the life skills that were learnt along the way, but the incredible staff who inspired me to go into a career of teaching. I had absolutely amazing teachers throughout my time at Invicta. Starting from my form tutor in year 7 (Miss White) all the way through to year 12 when I moved away. I do not know who is still at the school, but I wanted to let you know that it was teachers such as Mrs Billingham, Miss Parish, Miss Gulvin, Mr Armstrong and many more who were such big inspirations in my life. It was due to the incredible schooling experience that I received at Invicta that made me want to give something back to the next generation, and pass on some of the things taught to me by my teachers.

    When I was in school, I heard so many people saying how much you miss it once it is over. I knew that I would, I just never realized how much. Invicta truly was the best school for me, and I am eternally grateful for what I learnt throughout my time there. I am part of an amazing staff team of teachers now at York High School, however I will always have very fond memories of those who gave so much to the students at Invicta.

    I really wish I could have given this thanks in person, however I guess you are never completely grateful for what you have until it is gone. It is now that I am out of school that I realize how many thanks I owe to Invicta Grammar School and Mrs Derrick. I hope to one day come back to the UK and visit Invicta, and maybe then I can give a more adequate thank you in person.

    I hope all is well there, and just know that Invicta will always be in my heart.

    All the best,

    Sarah Puffett

  • Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

    I am uploading 4 photos taken on an optional trip one weekend with our form teacher Mrs. Burt. I think this was at the end of our first year so form 1x and in the summer of 1966.
    This photo is myself and Mary Nicholls.

    Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

  • Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

    I am uploading 4 photos taken on an optional trip one weekend with our form teacher Mrs. Burt. I think this was at the end of our first year so form 1x and in the summer of 1966.
    This photo is Georgina Collins and myself.

    Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

  • Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

    I am uploading 4 photos taken on an optional trip one weekend with our form teacher Mrs. Burt. I think this was at the end of our first year so form 1x and in the summer of 1966.
    This photo is shows row 1: six-former Ushi, Marilyn Bishop, Fiona Ashford, Georgina Collins, Christine Judd and Janet Hayland (or something similar). Row 2: Audrey Simmonds, a Jane I think, Theresa Baucham (this may not be the correct spelling), myself and Mary Nicholls. Row 3: Jane Betts, Jane Gould, Jilly Wood, Daphne Dalton and Sheila Pearson.

    Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

  • Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

    I am uploading 4 photos taken on an optional trip one weekend with our form teacher Mrs. Burt. I think this was at the end of our first year so form 1x and in the summer of 1966.
    This photo is of myself, Jilly Wood, Mary Nicholls. In the background you see Mrs. Burt and her dog and Mary's mother.

    Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

  • Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

    This photo was taken in the school playground - I think at the end of our first year of members of 1x so in the summer of 1966. The line up is: Jane Betts (half hidden), myself, Sheila McGuire, Susan Mincella (half hidden),
    Rachel Stroud, Sheila Pearson, Audrey Simmonds and Jane Gould.
    Six former Faith is in the background and I recognize Georgina Collin’s hairband.
    I can't remember who took the photo.

    Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

  • Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

    I think this photo was taken at the end of my first year in the Spring/Summer of 1966.
    I was in 1X and 2 six formers befriended our form: Ushi and Faith (surnames long forgotten)

    Catherine (now Kate) Farrow

  • My mum was born in 48 so went to Maidstone tech around the late 50s and 60s. I’m currently making her a ‘This is your life’ style book for her 70th this February. I’d love to hear from anybody who was friends with her. Her name was Diane Westover.... My email address isangelabeeson79@gmail.com please email me if you knew her! Many thanks, Angela

    Angela Beeson

  • Belinda Sinclair nee Ranger

    Alpha stream 1971-1978 (last of the 11 plus year). Looking for anybody else who was there at the same time. I've found Rose Fuller (nee Nash) Sharon Gordon, Jean Field (nee Thwaites) and Julie Watson (Burgess, Catton)

    Belinda Sinclair nee Ranger

  • I attended 'Maidstone Tech' as it was then, from 1966 -1972, starting off in the brand new building then 6th form in the 'old school'. I remember Miss Price (Pansy) or rather her footsteps as she appeared to stalk down the halls, it was amazing how fast we could all disappear! Other memories include Tally-Ho Tolhurst, Miss Gordon and of course Mrs Excel and Mrs Burt, plus the dreaded hat (mostly mutilated beyond recognition), the pale blue PE dresses and the bolero's worn in our senior years. After I left in 1972 i joined the WRN's -a long held ambition before becoming a mother. Later in life I gained a BA (Hons) and am currently working as the librarian in a northern secondary school. School friends included Jan Germaney who went to live in Cyprus, Shelagh and Fiona Durbridge. Caroline, Julie, Susan, Linda and Jill whose surnames all escape me. I have such fond memories of my time there, would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.

    Carol Platt-Chance (Nee Chadwick)

  • I was at Albion Place from 1956 to 1960. Class mates Joan Jenner, Gay Martin, Carole Reid-Marr, Celia Young and Carole Vernau. Remember with affection, Miss Keyes, Miss Douglas, Mrs. Clifford, Miss Gordon, and Miss Wright. Remember with little affection Miss Price (Pansy) real,name Brenda and Amy Thomas, who always seemed to be in the same place as me, Especially when I was misbehaving. Married for nearly 48 years. Got a BAhonours degree. Now happily retired.

    Lorna Gore. Now Young

  • I attended Maidstone Technical High School 1966-1971. Wondering if any one remembers me? I was in alpha. Miss Tolhurst was my form teacher I think. Miss Price was deputy head.?

    Anne Shaw (was Roscow)

  • Gday from Sydney. I was a pupil at Maidstone tech 63-70
    anybody remember Shirley, Elisabeth,Shane etc. Love to hear from you. Barbara.yapp@y7mail.com

    Barbara Yapp

  • I was a student at Invicta from 2003-2010. I went on to study at University of Birmingham in Human Biology and now i'm studying a MSc in Biomedical Science at Greenwich University part time. I now work in a Virology laboratory department for the NHS. None of this would have been possible without the support and dedication of my science teachers at Invicta.

    Rachel Foreman

  • I was a pupil from 1968 - 1973. Thoroughly enjoyed my time particularly all the sports I took part in. Very proud to have been a pupil. I got an O.N.D in Business Studies at college and went from college to work as a PA in the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall, London. I have since worked for KCC, Maidstone Borough Council and the NHS as a PA/Medical Sec. I remember Mrs Blackburn, Mrs Goble, Miss Draper, Miss Stuckey, Miss Gordon, Miss Price, Miss Tolhurst, Miss Robson, Miss Manners, Miss Slaughter, Miss Crawford to name but a few. I was in Alpha stream. I last attended a reunion in 1986 and would love to attend future ones

    Kay Goad (nee Lepper)

  • I've just been watching Theresa May make her maiden speech as PM - couldn't help but feel my chest swell with pride as a woman of her generation to see this wonderful nation embrace its second female leader. The possibility of a female PM was always an obviosity for me.....we had Mrs Blackburn as a headmistress after all.......I knew women could do whatever they damn well chose to do. Invicta, or MSG as it was then, instilled in me a sense of women engendering power and ability......we could do whatever we set our minds to. She was right. We had so many fabulously inspirational teachers. Vicky Kirby is the teacher who stands out most to me.......not stopped reading and regardless of our intellectual bent, I think the whole of my peer group, who were English students under her, would say the same thing. I had a fabulous experience of what education could offer at Invicta and to this day enjoy learning of all kinds.

    If the school today is half what it was when I attended, it's still the best place to send your daughters!

    Helen Peach

    Helen Peach

  • I attended IGS from 2002-2007 and went on to gain employment experience before studying Multimedia Art at the University of Creative Arts. I then went on to have twins and now manage a crisis fund team for Kent County Council. I am so grateful for the education I received during my time at Invicta, in particular from Mrs Pearson who gave me such a passion for English Literature that I am currently in my second year of studying towards a BA in English Literature with Classical Civilization and I hope to go on to become an English teacher in the future. I very much hope to see my daughter in maroon in a few years time!

    Charlotte Kemp

  • I attended the 6th form in Albion Place '79 to '81, Dr Dick was the head, my form tutor was a delightful lady whose call to "Lend me your shell-likes dear herberts" I have never forgotten, however her name escapes me! I also remember an English teacher, mainly for the fact that she had a python which regularly escaped.

    Caroline Allum nee Waters

  • I attended Maidstone Tech as was from Oct 1970 to 1975 when I left after A levels for UEA to read European Studies...thanks to the inspiration of Miss Price, Miss Follett (remember tales of WW2 resistance or was that someone else on staff?). Doing 4 A levels was in its infancy then and a few of us did that. Mrs Blackburn was open minded and radical in giving 6th form flexible timetables. It was down to her that I got to uni at all. We would walk from Huntsman to Albion and I remember the typing lessons were brill and revolutionary at the time. Sad to see Albion gone and the school grown immensely on its Huntsman Lane site. Looking at retirement from ordained ministry one day but currently in Harpenden, Diocese of St Albans. And yes, all that French has been really well used over the years...got me to the World Council of Churches. Would be pleased to know about any get togethers.

    The Rev'd Linda Williams nee White

  • Hi, I attended the Girls Tech, as it was, from 1972-78. Miss Tolhurst, Miss Price, Miss Draper, Miss Brett are a few names I remember.

    I was school council chairman with Hazell ? as my vice chairman, We succeeded in introducing trousers to the school uniform, if I remember rightly.

    I stayed on to the sixth form in Albion Place.

    I went on to art college and studied theatre design, I have had a successful career as a costume maker, still am. Though the careers guidance at school encouraged me to be a landscape gardener when I said I liked sewing????

    I did go to a reunion in the 80's and look forward to the one coming up in June, hope to meet someone from my school days.

    Fran Alderson

    Frances Susan Alderson

  • I attended Maidstone Tech for Girls from 1962 to 1964. It was the old building and I had passed my 13+. We all started in the 3rd year and I was in 3 alpha. Miss Thomas was the head and Miss Price the deputy. Everyone called Miss Price, 'Pansy'. I have no idea if that was her real name. Both Miss Thomas and Miss Price were formidable. I recall the speech lessons and being pulled up for saying 'uz' instead of 'us'. I blame my mother as she came from the Midlands. What I wasn't keen on was having to say grace in front of everyone at lunchtime. Lunchtime was something else. We had to do waitress duty once a week and serve the dinners. Our work was graded 3 times a term and woe betide if you did not have at least one grade A when the grades were read out in assembly. You had to stand up and explain yourself in front of everyone. But I must say I did learn not to fidget and to be more self disciplined and handwriting lessons in italic certainly improved my writing.

    Loved Scottish dancing lessons with Mrs Lohan and in the 4th Year, Miss Gordon became our form teacher. She is the one who without a doubt made me improve my diagram skills immensely. We all came to love her despite her being so strict. We moved house to Colchester a the end of the 4th year and I went on to a mixed tech school and was shocked at the behaviour. But one thing... by moving schools I did take my O levels a year earlier than the friends I left behind. I went on to do A levels and trained as a secondary teacher in Sheffield. Retired now, although I do some occasional supply work and remained in the north moving to Lancashire and now I'm in Chester. Some great memories but one of the worst ones is the uniform we had to wear which was truly awful. Never ever see another uniform like it.

    Caroline England (formerly Sutton)

  • There is a Facebook group called Maidstone tech class of '66 - The Famous Form 1.
    We are looking for anyone who was in Form 1 in 1966, when the school in Huntsman Lane was newly built. Please come and join us on Facebook.

    Barbara Neill

  • Jan Peel

    This is Form 1 in the school magazine of 1967.

    Jan Peel

  • It is 50 years since the Huntsman Lane building was opened this year, and 50 years since my year group joined the school. A few of us have been trying to contact our classmates but I also wondered about the teachers. It is unlikely that any have survived (of course some may have been younger than they appeared at the time) but it would be good to know more about them as a kind of tribute.

    Jan Peel (nee Pooley)

  • Barbara Neill

    Form 1 (1966) with Mrs Exell

    Barbara Neill

  • Ciao! I was at the former girls tech from 1974 to 1977 and would like to get in touch with my classmates. You can contact me through fb.

    Melania Moni

  • I was at Invicta School from 1970-77 when it changed names from Maidstone Technical High School when I joined through 3 more changes to eventually now Invicta Grammar. I remember a reunion in 1986 and meeting some old faces then but would be nice to have another reunion. I remember teachers such as Miss Price (very scary), Miss Tolhurst (very prim and proper), Mr Reader (very progressive and modern with his long hair and wearing leggings).

    Sarah Gower (Dewhurst)

  • To whom it may concern,

    I am writing as a former Invicta Grammar School attendee from 2003-2010,
    I attended Invicta from Year 7 right through to Year 13, and am very grateful for the excellent education I received across the board. Since Invicta, I studied at Queen Mary University of London and attained a First class honours in my BA History and Politics. After a year working at the University of London, I then began my Masters in International Relations at the London School of Economics, from which I will be graduating in December with a Distinction grade.

    I am currently working at Queen Mary University of London, and hope to enrol on a PhD course in International Relations in the coming years.

    I wanted to ask if perhaps you could convey my thanks to two teachers in particular at Invicta - Mr Hancock and Mr Saputo. I took A Levels in both History and Government & Politics with them, and their flair and enthusiasm has instilled in me a lifelong interest in the subjects. I am particularly grateful for their efforts in nurturing my interest, constantly challenging me to push the boundaries of my knowledge and read around the subject. These skills have been invaluable to me throughout my higher education.

    Best wishes.

    Former Student

  • I attended Maidstone Technical High School from 1954-1958. I remember Headmistress Amy Thomas an Miss Price.

    Daphne Allan (nee Barker)

  • Alumni 2015 - I was at Invicta 1980 - 85

    Thanks so much for such a great afternoon this Friday. Really enjoyed it. Your hospitality, the balloons and '30' cupcakes much appreciated. Thanks very much to the girls who showed us round. They were great. We loved the tour and so pleased we got to see the lovely Mr Pomeroy (our 5th form teacher). Very best wishes for his retirement. He was one of our favourite teachers. Still thankful for his car maintenance classes. Got me out of a few scrapes.

    Delighted, if somewhat amazed, some of our teachers are still at the school and they look just about the same. It brought back some fond memories: 6th form field trips to Swattenden and Snowdonia, 3rd year trip to Cornwall, 4th year trip to Greece. Miss Price supervising the complex system of stacking chairs at the end of assembly, "5th row senior side". Woe betide anyone who got it wrong. Mrs Harvey, such a wonderfully enthusiastic Geography teacher. The reason I did a Geography degree.

    The school is a lot swisher than when we were there, with a much stricter uniform code, very impressive. Also sports standards have improved. I tried not to be too crushed when I was informed the school standard for 800m is now 40 seconds faster than when I, uncharacteristically, achieved it. (I was normally rubbish at sport and Miss Wood praised me ... also uncharacteristically.)

    I now live in the West Midlands and am an Environmental Manager for a County Council.

    I feel proud to have been a student at the school and still remember the words of Mrs Blackburn at assembly, "You must have integrity, girls" and Mr Stoneham, (economics), "The onus is on you".

    Liz McCarron (nee Alston)

  • I was at the girls tech from1968 to 1973; I have many happy memories of the time spent there: I can remember Mrs Blackburn joining the school; Miss Price who taught us french, Miss Tolhurst who was my form teache; Miss Stuckey; chemistry; and many other: We had a year reunion for our class in 1986.

    Julie Crockford nee Knight

  • I attended from 1965-1972 at the new buildings at Huntsman Lane, but with some lessons being taught from Albion Place. I remember Miss Osborne and the formidable Miss Price who was always watching us lefties to make sure we ate our lunch with the cutlery in the correct hand. Her speech training lessons were something else!!! SIxth form at Albion Place was great and spent a lot of time playing table tennis!!! I went on to teacher training College and retired a couple of years ago and now living in North Yorkshire. I would love to hear news from fellow students and hope another reunion will be planned before too long.

    Audrey Walker (nee Simmonds)

  • I was delighted to come across your website recently and to see how well the school is doing. I attended Maidstone Girls Technical High School from 1957 to May 1960 when I left with my family to live in Australia. Miss Thomas was our headmistress and Miss Price her hard working deputy. It was quite a big move as I sat my English O level the day I left your school. I now live in South Australia and have had a career in Education here. I was able to attend University here and have aTeacher's Cert: Dip Teaching from Flinders Uni: B Ed from South Australian Uni: and a M Ed from the Australian Catholic University in Sydney. I still have fond memories of the end of term Lunch Party Concerts. Miss Price wrote to me early in our stay but then my family moved into the outback and I was boarding while studying so addresses got mislaid. I will never forget Miss Thomas and St Faiths. She and the school had a great deal of influence on my life so far away.I have also been in touch with my old church at Nettlestead/Watering bury. I would love to attend one of your reunions but that is unlikely now, maybe my grand daughter might. Best wishes for your future endeavours and may the school long continue. This is my second attempt to contact you .Computers and I have a strained relationship at best. Anne Stephens nee Mayes. Adelaide Sth. Australia.( saranne@senet.com.au)

    Anne Elizabeth Stephens

  • I was a student at Maidstone Technical High School for Girls from 1957 to Mid 1960 when I left to emigrate to Australia with my family. I have fond memories of Miss Amy Thomas, who though strict was usually fair, and her deputy Miss Price. I was in the technical stream ,in year 5T and remember my last day as we sat our first GCE's that year and I did English exam on my last morning at the school. I have since spent an interesting career in Australia as a teacher both of junior students(Dip Tch),music and Choirs(B Ed) and for the last ten with as a Religious Education Co-Ordinator M Ed (Religion). Sadly I am unable to attend any alumni Functions but am delighted to have found your web site to enable me to find out your current status and activities

    Anne Elizabeth Stephens (nee Mayes)

  • I attended from 1965 to 1972. My first year was spent in the not quite completed new building in Huntsman Lane and we were joined by the Sixth form - the rest of the school still being taught at Albion Place. My Sixth form was then spent at Albion Place. I would love to hear news of any further reunions.

    Gaye Mutton (nee Baker)

  • I attended from 1968 to 1973 when it was called Maidstone Technical High School for Girls later changing to Maidstone School for Girls when Mrs Blackburn started as Headmistress. I would love to attend any future events. I represented the school many times in several sports. I was then known as Kay Lepper.

    Kay Goad

  • I would like to attend the Alumni Event on Friday 13th June having attended the school as it was Maidstone School for Girls leaving in the summer 1979.

    Deborah Drury

  • I was at Invicta in the early to mid 80's, under the Deputy Headship of the inimitable Miss Price and Headship of Miss Blackburn! I will never forget my classmates and wondering what colour her hair would be at each assesmbly, and woe betide if we forgot our PE Knickers! Great days that I recall with such fondness. Becky Longley was my best mate who I managed to track down last year! Now living in Leciestershire and working in the NHS.

    Sarah Lever (nee Carstairs)

  • I attended Invicta from 1984 to 1989. It sounds ridiculous but my fondest memories are of the canteen food at break times! They served THE best warm bread rolls with butter and the bread pudding was pretty good too (had a nice crunchy layer of sugar on top!!) Teachers I remember - Mrs Ratcliffe, Mrs Crease, Mr Leighton, Mrs Pearson, Chemistry teacher whose name I forget but had a Corgi she brought to school! I went on to Huddersfield Uni to study textiles and obtained a Masters. Moved to Australia in 2000 and been here ever since - currently working in HR for Target Australia. Married with 2 kids. Happy.

    Jayne Parker (nee Bailey)

  • I was a student from 1978 -1981. Qualified and practiced as a solicitor. Currently l have taken a career break. This was when Mrs Blackburn was headmistress. Sweatshirts had been introduced as sports uniform and I remember being reprimanded for wearing it in lieu of sweater. My nieces have been, and one still is, a pupil at the school.

    Farah Khan (nee Ahmed)

  • I was a student at "Maidstone Tech" from 1970-1976, was in the alpha form, first form teacher Miss Tolhurst, under the leadership of Mrs Blackburn. We were the last year who started at the school at 11, so were the youngest students until we reached fourth year when a new intake came into the third year. I would love to attend an Alumni event, but unfortunately am living in Perth, Western Australia, so a bit far to come. Would love to catch up with anyone from the same year.

    Susan Holmes nee Francis

  • My classmates and I left Invicta in 1993 and with the 20th anniversary approaching we're trying to track down old students and organise a reunion. I was wondering whether the Alumni would be able to advise or help in any way. We haven't settled on a date or a location at the moment, but will probably be end of July/ August.
    Kind regards


    Helen McClure nee Fry

  • I am writing to say how much I enjoyed Friday afternoon.

    I am very impressed with the curriculum on offer at Invicta, giving the pupils the opportunity to take part in various kinds of activities.

    It was pleasing to see the work of the pupils displaying around the school. This in itself is gratifying for the pupils, encouraging them to do even better.

    The young lady who showed a group of us around, Kitty, was very polite and helpful.

    Altogether, a very pleasant experience to see how schooling has progressed since I was at the Maidstone Technical School for Girls from 1954 to 1958! Our headmistress would have been horrified to have a male species in her school! Indeed, we were not allowed to speak to any males whilst in our uniform, even if they were a father of brother!! Yours sincerely.

    Ann Brown

  • Thank you so much for arranging the Alumni last Friday. The welcome we received was very special. My thanks also go to your staff and students. The atmosphere in the school was a special one and it was so nice to see around the school and meet some of the students as well as catch up with some of the girls, or in my case, the older ladies I was at school with at Albion Place.

    May I wish you every continued success.

    Rita Baker

  • Dear Friends,

    I would like to say how much I enjoyed the alumni event on Friday. Everything was so well organised and it was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet up with 'old' class mates.

    I am amazed at the 'up to date' facilities abailable to the students. So much has changed in the last "60" years.

    To all who made this occasion such a great success, I say a big thank you to you all.

    Yours gratefully.

    Brenda Sunnucks (nee Jenkins)

  • To staff and students at Invicta Grammar School

    My friend Sheila Rendell and I thank you all very much for the enjoyable and interesting afternoon that we spent at the school.alumni event on Friday 8th March. It was so well organised. Viewing all the different classrooms and how technology has progressed was mind boggling!

    It was great to meet old friends and recall memories of many years ago.

    If future events are arranged it would be good if it was advertised more widely and perhaps in larger print, as many of the people I spoke to hadn't even seen the small advert.

    I attach a list of teachers on the 1948 photograph with the subjects they taught, as far as I can remember, which I thought might be of interest,

    Kind regards.

    Eunice Bourner

  • I just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to attend the alumni event at Invicta last week. I started at Invicta in 1996 and have nothing but happy memories of my time there, so it was really great to be able to have a look round the school and see how much it has changed, talk to some of my old teachers and reminisce with friends. Our tour guide Lizzy was great, very friendly and welcoming, and I really enjoyed the whole afternoon.

    Thank you again, and I look forward to future events.

    Kind regards.

    Elizabeth Miller (nee Bromley)

  • A big thank you for your Alumni day last Friday. I was really impressed with everything. Our guide, Olivia, gave us an impressive tour and was obviously very proud to do so. Meeting up with other ex- pupils and teachers was the icing on the cake. I look forward to doing it all over again in the future.

    Jayne Avards

  • What a great afternoon I had last Friday attending the Alumni. I was a pupil from 1962 to 1967 but it was a shame
    there were not more ladies from that era attending.
    It brought back so many memories of the school itself, the Teachers and the friendships made. Misses Amy Thomas and Brenda Price were a formidable pair who certainly could teach a few other schools a thing or two about discipline and RESPECT which is not lacking at Invicta!
    It was amazing to see so many things the girls are taught these days. The woodworking and photography made me quite envious. Thankyou to whoever suggested the idea
    and to all those who made it such a success.

    Janet Kemp (nee Friday)

  • I would like to thank everyone involved in organising the Alumni event last Friday. I found it a most enjoyable experience which evoked memories of my years at the school and gave me an insight into secondary school life and all the opportunities available to the pupils today. I appreciate the hospitality, warmth and interest shown by the staff and pupils during the event. I thank you again for organising such a memorable event.

    Lesley Place (nee Fowler) 1961 -1964

  • Just back from attending the Alumni, what a lovely occasion! So impressed with the hospitality and the genuine interest shown by the present day pupils to know what our schooldays were like way back in the days of Miss Amy Thomas. I do hope the photos displayed today will make their way onto the internet. Thanks to everyone involved in organising the event.

    Peggy Pryer (nee Relf) 1950-1955

  • I attended the school from 1958-1964 and took commerce and accounts both of which prepared me well for a long and interesting career with HMRC. My mother who will be 90 next week, worked in the school office in the 1970s. We look forward to making the trip up from Dorset to the next alumni event.

    Valerie Mitchell (nee Buckhurst)

  • I attended the school in the 1950s and I would have liked to have attended on March 8th but unfortunately will not be able to. I hope it goes well.

    Sheila Townsend (nee Harman)

  • I was in 3Z from Sept 1980. Mrs Ratcliffe (Stafford) was my form tutor! Mr Pomeroy was my physics teacher. We all sat our O levels 30 years ago this summer.......gosh!!
    There is a group of Z's coming and it would be great if it were advertised in local papers to trace others. Can't wait to see old faces.

    Helen Lofts (nee Kitts)

  • I'd like to attend the Alumni afternoon on 8th March.

    Melanie O'Hagan (nee Penn)

  • I attended the school from 1946 - 1948 when Miss Thomas was Head Teacher. I took the Commercial Course studying shorthand/typing and at that time we were unable to take any further exams. On leaving I worked for a Finance Company now all part of Lloyds Bank in Maidstone. I am now a widow and will be 81 years of age on 17th March.

    Sylvia Elsie Kibblewhite (nee Webb)

  • Yes I will be coming along to the Alumini day

    Nikki Davidson-Bowman (nee Bennion)

  • Hello Mrs Derrick - good to see you're still at Invicta! There was no better teacher for Business Studies, that's for sure.
    The website is looking very smart, and it's brought back some wonderful memories of my time at Invicta, which still remains very close to my heart. I'd love to come back and see who is still teaching - please send my regards to all of my past teachers :-)
    The world of marketing for the commercial services of Lancaster University is my home now but I still miss my days at school! :-)

    Harriet Buttigieg

  • It's been a really long time... be interested to see if Mrs. Lloyd is still teaching and if there are any reunions coming up, although I now live in Singapore.

    Aimee Lewis

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Join us for an exciting series of Transition Workshops this term, ranging from Young Philosophers to Music and Science. Spaces are limited, so be sure to secure your spot today by booking through our Eventbrite page via the link below!https://t.co/0P43MLFL8P#TransitionWorkshop pic.twitter.com/lEceBcnwRK


Winner of the Junior Science Award is Taliah Rothschild from . Congratulations! pic.twitter.com/3IhcXuCOAF


Betsy Ellis from has won the Future in Aviation Award. Congratulations Betsy! pic.twitter.com/WVK4L1LSDE


We are currently recruiting for several support staff positions.If you're passionate about education and looking to make a difference, we want to hear from you!To apply, please visit our website or follow the link below:https://t.co/Wp92LBvxMR pic.twitter.com/AKPSnemZDI


Last week, our Orchestra had their final rehearsal before Year 13 began their study leave, marking the occasion with a photo capturing all the instruments in harmony🎼We look forward to welcoming back the full Orchestra with the Year 13 members for the upcoming Summer Concert! pic.twitter.com/Am4loN20Vk


Only a few hours left until Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 take on the Maidstone Football Finals at the Gallagher Stadium tonight! - Our Year 7 team will be playing in two weeks.Year 8 Kick Off: 3:45pmYear 9 Kick Off: 5:30pmYear 10 Kick Off: 6:45pmWe hope to see you there🌟 pic.twitter.com/RnVjcild4T


We are proud to announce this year's production will be James and the Giant Peach! 🍑Rehearsals are underway, and we can't wait to bring this beloved story to life on stage. Keep your eyes peeled as we will be sharing sneak peeks of rehearsals in the coming weeks!#RoaldDahl pic.twitter.com/umRTEJFoC0


With Earth Day less than two weeks away, here are some ways to be more eco-friendly and better look after our Earth!#EarthDay pic.twitter.com/2wpO09fPoq


Spring has sprung at Invicta and yesterday our Year 7 and 8 POP Photography students enjoyed the first day of spring by focussing on natural textures!#Photography pic.twitter.com/VXK4Zh7tNz


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from pic.twitter.com/seA6XOjMYz


KS2 enjoyed participating in language workshops on Tuesday morning, focusing on German, French and Spanish with some students from pic.twitter.com/seA6XOjMYz


Today is International Day of Mathematics🎉 At Invicta, we're passionate about empowering our students with the boundless potential of mathematics both in and outside the classroom! Join us as we discover the magic of numbers in everyday life! pic.twitter.com/uhDfB1ToUy


Last week marked a significant moment in Invicta's history as we gathered for our whole school photo, a rare event that takes place only once every 7 years. Here are some behind-the-scenes photos from the day, showcasing the infectious excitement and sense of community! pic.twitter.com/Y5RDLffV0C


Today we are capturing a moment in time with a whole school photo!📸 pic.twitter.com/Hya2nGJX2H


Students had a fantastic time during last week's POP sessions (Personal Opportunities Program)!We saw students engage with a host of new and familiar favourite activities including, Chess, Coding, Minecraft, Photography, Yoga, Crochet, Nature Walks and so many more! pic.twitter.com/bSmEMQ0Yo5


Our upcoming non-uniform day supports FIGS, our parent-teacher association. The theme is "Be Active!" It's a day to dress sporty and promote physical activity and wellness.Let's show our support for FIGS while staying active and healthy!#NonUniform pic.twitter.com/MZ6ljDx4TN


I had a lovely morning visit to today. The year 8s have been studying the movement & some of the specific stories I explore in my book, of Kent. It was lovely to talk about who grew up in pic.twitter.com/e5GiWrX4zb


I had a lovely morning visit to today. The year 8s have been studying the movement & some of the specific stories I explore in my book, of Kent. It was lovely to talk about who grew up in pic.twitter.com/e5GiWrX4zb


World Book Day is just over 2 weeks away now!What are some of your favourite books that you've read so far this year, who are your favourite authors... We'd love to hear your thoughts on reading, books and literature!#WorldBookDay pic.twitter.com/tZnX6Fd8WS


RT : Join us for fab line up of Live Talks for 4-9 Mar delivered by aimed at http…


Last term, our Year 9 photographers explored aperture, depth of field and composition in their work to create these stunning photographs of miniature cars, inspired by the works of Kim Leuenberger! pic.twitter.com/jYOG8pXoS1


We currently have several vacancies available including a Teacher of MFL Spanish, a Receptionist and a Careers Advisor.If you are looking to join a friendly and encouraging team, please submit an application using the link below!https://t.co/Wp92LBuZXj pic.twitter.com/mLyLvveSza


Last week marked the Primary Literacy Challenge! Thanks to all the teams who attended, we hope you had a great time! See you at our Primary STEM challenge next term! Congratulations to for winning! 🏆🎉 pic.twitter.com/ILU5YmABv1


A reminder to students and parents that next Monday, 5 February is a non-uniform day and students are encouraged to wear something blue or nature-themed if they have items in their wardrobe to support and raise awareness for The Marine Conservation Society 💙 pic.twitter.com/bNElZCXC2h